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2024 Summer/Public Hours
All District buildings will be open Monday through Thursday from 9AM to 2PM and closed on Friday.
Enjoy the Summer!




General FAQs

What is SB2?

RSA 40:13, Senate Bill 2, also known as SB2, (Official Ballot Referenda) is a form of town meeting that has two sessions. The first session (deliberative session) is for explanation, discussion, debate and amendments to the proposed operating budget and warrant articles.

1:1 FAQs

What does 1:1 mean?

This ratio simply means that there will be one device - in our case, a Chromebook - provided to every student.

Why are our students using Chromebooks as opposed to laptops, tablets, or some other mobile device?W

Chromebooks provide the user with a web browser and a single sign on, making them incredibly easy for students to use. Since students already know how to use the Chromebooks, you as the teacher don't have to spend valuable class time to troubleshoot them. Also, from a management standpoint, the IT department can push out organization wide updates without any service interruption, ensuring that the student doesn't lose valuable learning time wrangling with their device.

Will this require me to change the way I teach?

Because students will have this device available to them at all times, you will gain valuable instructional time. Even more importantly, a 1:1 environment creates the opportunity for authentic personalization of teaching and learning for each student. Students can learn at their own pace and ability levels and can take advantage of the worldwide experiences and resources available online and just in time. Teachers become facilitators of powered up learning experiences - meaningfully linking technology to curriculum and instruction ( So, in short, teaching in a 1:1 environment may inspire to you to make some positive changes to the way that you teach.

Since the students will have their Chromebooks all the time... I expected to have them use them for everything? What about paper - am I expected to have a paperless classroom?
Because your students have a Chromebook, you, the teacher, will have access to more educational tools for your toolbox. Just because you have a tool, however, doesn't mean that it's the best tool or the only tool for the job. So, to answer the question, have the students use the Chromebook where it fits within the instructional practices of your curriculum. You are the teacher, so you are the arbiter of which tool is the best one for the job at hand. The same philosophy applies to printing. If you determine that students need to print something, then they should print. If not, they shouldn't. The goal of 1:1 is NOT to go paperless; it is to change the task to enhance learning.

On that note, here is an interesting post from Matt Miller, author of Ditch That Textbook, that outlines conditions under which you should choose a "no tech" option: 6 Reasons You Should Ditch Your EdTech

What if my students get distracted while on their Chromebooks?

To say that students may get distracted is like saying water may get you wet! We know it's going to happen. Having said that, students need to learn to manage their behavior and we can help them out with that with some classroom management strategies. Establishing a lid up/lid down narrative can be helpful. Announcing or posting a daily plan that outlines when their Chromebooks will be needed can also help to establish expectations for when and how the device will be used on that day. Finally, ACTIVELY facilitate and engage with your students! This is very difficult to do if you are working at your desk. Like any other classroom management strategy, the key is to establish expectations on the first day of school and to maintain CONSISTENT practices.

How do I get started?

Great question. Here is a short list of suggestions to keep in mind if you are beginning your 1:1 journey.
  • Start small. Try one new tech integration activity, then build from there.
  • Make it meaningful. Use tech as a means to integrate at least one of the 4 Cs (communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity) into your lesson.
  • Look for YouTube tutorials. Don't know how to do something? There is no better resource than YouTube.
  • Practice using the chromebook or digital tool first. A sure way to bolster your confidence in the classroom is to be familiar with the tools in your toolbox.
  • Don't be afraid of bumps in the road. Whether you use tech or not, sometimes the lesson bombs. So what?! Own it, learn from it, and move on. :)

Here's an article from ISTE that outlines these suggestions: Start Small When Integrating Ed Tech.

Connect2 FAQs

Why is the school district purchasing a Chromebook for every student?

We want to make technology accessible to students so that learning can occur anytime and anywhere. Technology helps to promote collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity. (The 4 C’s) We also want to increase opportunities for global collaboration.

When will my child receive their Chromebook?

Students will receive their Chromebooks during the first week of school.

What comes with the Chromebook?

The Chromebook will come with a carrying bag and a charger.

Is my student required to use the carrying bag?

Yes. When travelling between classes the chromebook must be protected and carried in the protective case. The case was designed to be slim and to fit inside student backpacks or to be carried.

What is the device protection fee and what happens if the Chromebook is damaged by an accident?

There will be a $14.00 device fee for grades 8-12 that will cover all accidental damage (unlimited times). The price will be $20.00 for students in grades 6 and 7. In the first year of ownership, the device will also be covered against all defects. If your Chromebook is damaged, we will issue you a loaner until your replacement arrives. This cost is a yearly cost.

Can students personalize their Chromebook with stickers?

Yes, but the stickers applied must be removable. We will have decals like this available for examples and/or purchase on the distribution day.

Will students be required to bring their Chromebook to school every day?

Yes. Treat the Chromebook like any other tool or supply needed for classes.

What if they do not charge their Chromebook?

Students are expected to come to school with their Chromebook fully charged every day. The chromebooks have an 8-10 hour battery charge that should last through the day.

What happens if device accessories are lost or stolen?

Please have your child report any lost or stolen devices to the building principal.

Will my child be issued the same Chromebook next year?

Yes, students will keep the same Chromebook for three years unless they are a Junior or Senior next year. Seniors will keep their Chromebooks for one year and then turn them in upon graduation and Juniors will keep their Chromebooks until graduation as well. (2 years).

How will my child get technical assistance if their Chromebook is not working properly?

If the chromebook is not working properly, the student will bring it to the designated location for the help desk in their building and the help desk will try to diagnose the issue. If they cannot fix it quickly, the student will be issued a loaner while our technology department either fixes it or secures a replacement.

Can a student/parent/guardian repair a Chromebook?

No. If anything is wrong with the Chromebook please have your child bring it to the designated repair desk in your school. We have replacement parts as well as specific knowledge of the device.

My child wants to bring their own device. Can they?

No. We are supplying the Chromebooks for every student to use and through the Chromebook device, they will have access to our improved network and educational resources. The Chromebooks are set up in such a way that they have specific applications available for students that we couldn't make available on student's own devices. We are making improvements to the school network this summer to accommodate the influx of new devices. Allowing students to have more than one device may be in our future, but for now we need to insure that the network can accommodate the new initiative.

PES Guidance FAQs

Will I be informed about what my child discusses with the counselor?

Students are informed that when they enter the counselor's office, what they say is confidential. The exceptions to this are if they express that they are going to hurt themselves or someone else or if they are being hurt by someone else. If the counselor feels that the parent should be made aware of something mentioned during a counseling session, the counselor informs the student that the information will be shared with the parent, then notifies the parent.

In general, if a student visits with one of the guidance counselors about an isolated incident that is very common, a phone call home is not made. If, however, there seems to be a recurring issue or if the issue is of concern, a phone call is made to the parents to inform them of what is going on.

How is a child referred to see the School Counselor?

Referrals for counseling come from parents, teachers, and the students themselves. Parents can call one of the counselors, send a note in with their child, e-mail one of the counselors, or request a meeting through the classroom teacher.

Preschool Program FAQs

Is there a supply list for my child’s teacher?

Any school supplies your child needs are provided by the school. Your child’s teacher may have a wish list and welcome donations. Please see specific classroom teacher websites.

What does my child need to bring to school?

You will need to provide a backpack, lunch box with a snack and drink and weather appropriate change of clothes.

Are there peanut free classrooms?

Yes, there are designated classrooms for those with a peanut allergy.

What is the schedule for Early Release and Delayed Openings?

In the event of an early release from Pelham Elementary School:
  • Students who attend the morning program will follow the regular schedule.
  • There will be no afternoon session for students.

In the event of a delayed opening from Pelham Elementary School:

  • There will be no morning session for students.
  • Students who attend the afternoon program will follow the regular schedule.

Where and when do I drop off and pick up my child?

The 3 year old AM program drop off is behind Pelham Elementary School at 8:45 AM and pick-up in the front of the school at 11:15 AM. The 4 year old PM program drop off is in front of the Pelham Elementary School at 12:00 PM and pick-up is in the back of the school at 3:15 PM. To ensure student safety 2 car placards are issued per family to display during car pick-up, if they are forgotten parents are required to come into the main office and show identification before picking up their child.

What will they learn?

The program promotes independence while socializing in a positive sharing environment. Using their manners and listening skills, students learn to express their needs and wants. They will learn to recognize colors, numbers, letters/letter sounds, weather and seasons, rhyming, writing, matching, and learn about books. Activities include art projects, indoor and outdoor play areas, music, movement and exploring education through various forms of technology.

PMS Nurse FAQs

Eyeglasses with contacts?

Sometimes, especially in the winter, the air in the building is very dry and contacts have been known to fall out or tear. In that case it would be wise to have either an extra pair of contacts or a pair of glasses in school.

Is a doctor's note necessary when my child returns to school after an illness?

You should get a note from the doctor after illnesses or injuries. This will help the school nurse take care of your child and set up any accommodations that might be necessary for your child's return. If your child has been out for 3 or more days a doctor's note is required in order to return. This will also help in determining whether your child will receive a note for excessive absences.

Do I need to contact the school nurse when my child has been seen by a doctor?

Yes! It is very helpful to let the school nurse know when your child has been seen by a physician. This will help if something happens in school or another child has the same symptoms, especially for things like strep throat, conjunctivitis or injuries.

If your child is seen by a physician and are diagnosed with something new, it would be helpful if you could bring in a note from the doctor with the diagnosis and any measures that need to be taken.

If your child cannot participate in gym for any reason we will need a doctors note to be excused, we will try and make other accommodations on a case by case basis.

When can my child return to school if they have conjunctivitis?

They should be on antibiotics for 24 hours before they return to school.

How long should I keep my child home if they have a fever?

A child should be kept home until they have no fever for 24 hours and are not taking fever reducing medication. That is a fever over 100.4 degrees. If he fever is lower and the child is comfortable then they can come to school if on fever reducing medication.

Do I need to send medication in for my child if they take tylenol/motrin etc.?

It would be greatly appreciated if you would send in a bottle with your child's name on it. All children do not take the same type of medication, some take chewable, some liquid and some do swallow pills, because of this variety it is hard for me to keep a supply of all kinds. So if your child has a particular preference for caplets or other types please send in their own bottle.

When can my child return to school after they have had head lice?

After they have been treated and you have gone over their head thoroughly to be sure that there are no live lice. They must report to the school nurse's office to be checked before they can return to the classroom. We do not have a "no nit" policy so they do not need to be free of nits to return. They will also need to be checked at 1 week intervals to be sure there is no recurrence.

When can my child return to school if they have strep throat?

They may return after they have been on antibiotics for 24 hours. That means if they take the pill 3 times a day after the third dose and if 4 times a day after the fourth dose. If your child is on antibiotics the doctor is usually flexible about times so that your child doesn't have to take it during school. If this is not an option please send in a note from the doctor stating that it is okay to give the medication in school.

Student Services FAQs

What is the difference between Special Education/IEP and a 504 Plan?

An IEP refers to an " individualized education program" as defined in 34 CFR 300.22 and is a written statement for a child with a disability that is developed, reviewed, and revised in accordance with §§300.320 through 300.324.(NH Rules pg. 15) An IEP includes:
  • A statement of the child's present levels of academic achievement and functional performance
  • A statement of the child's eligibility/disability category
  • A statement of measurable annual goals, including academic and functional goals
  • A statement of the special education and related services and supplementary aids and services to be provided to the child
  • A statement of the program modifications or supports for school personnel that will be provided to the child
  • A statement of any individual appropriate accommodations that are necessary for the child on State and district wide assessments
  • The projected date for the beginning of the services and modifications including the frequency, location and duration of those services and modifications
  • By no later than the child's 16 birthday an Individual Transition Plan outlining measurable postsecondary goals, independent living skills goals and the transition services needed to accomplish those goals
  • By no later than one year prior to the Child reaching the age of majority a statement that the child has been informed of their rights upon reaching the age of majority.

What is the difference between an accommodation and a modification...

...and how does it affect the diploma student can earn?
Accommodations refer to any change in instruction or evaluation determined necessary by the IEP team that does NOT impact the rigor and/or validity of the subject matter being taught or assessed. (NH Rules pg 2) Accommodations simply "level the playing field" and are intended to mitigate the effects of a student's disability. Accommodations do not alter the learning standards or expectations. Examples include additional test time, a quiet place for test taking, books on tape, using large print or Braille, graphic organizers etc. Modifications on the other hand, change the level of instruction provided or tested and create a different standard for the student receiving them. Examples include giving easier assignments, making student responsible for more general concepts, fewer test problems etc. (Howard County Autism Society) 

What is a developmental disability?

A "Child with a developmental delay'' means a child wit h a developmental delay as defined in RSA-186-C is:

A child at least 3 years of age or older, but less than 10 years of age, who, because of impairments in development, needs special education or special education and related services, and may be identified as having a developmental delay provided that such a child meets the criteria established by the state Board of Education:

(1) Is experiencing developmental de lays in one or more ofthe following areas:

a. Physical development;
b. Cognitive development;
c. Communication development;
d. Social or emotional development; or
e. Adaptive development; and

(2) By reason there of, needs special education and related services, as measured by appropr iate diagnostic instruments and procedures consistent with Ed 1107 and identified in compliance with 34 CFR 300.111(b). However, pursuant to 34 CFR 300.111(b)(2), these rules:

a. Shall not require that an LEA adopt and use the term "developmental delay'' for any children; and
b. Shall not relieve the LEA of any duty to provide a free appropriate public education to children who qualify for special education based on another eligibility category.

What constitutes a least restrictive environment (LRE)?

Ed 1111.01(a) Placement in the Least Restrictive Environment:

The law requires that "to the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities, including children in public or private institutions or other care facilities, are educated with children who are nondisabled; and special classes, separate schooling, or other removal of children with disabilities from the regular educational environment occurs ONLY if the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily". (NH Rules page 12; 300.114 LRE requirements). While the law favors educating students in a general education setting, it recognizes that for some students a more restrictive or segregated setting may be necessary to provide an appropriate education. (

What is a functional behavioral assessment (FBA)?

Functional Behavioral Assessments have been used to try to determine why individuals exhibit specific behaviors and how the environment interacts with the individual and those behaviors. This method of analyzing behavior can be used with any individual exhibiting problem behavior and ultimately lead to effective interventions and a positive behavior plan to help the student learn more appropriate behavior. (

What are the core academic subjects?

"Core academic subjects" as defined in 34 CFR 300.10, include:

(1) English;
(2) Reading or language arts;
(3) Mathematics;
(4) Science;
(5) Foreign languages;
(6) Civics and government;
(7) Economics;
(8) Arts;
(9) History; and
(10) Geography.

(NH Rules page 8)

What is specialized instruction/specially designed instruction?

Specially designed instruction means adapting, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible child under this part, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction:

(i) To address the unique needs of the child that result from the child's disability; and
(ii) To ensure access of the child to the general curriculum, so that the child can meet the educational standards within the jurisdiction of the public agency that apply to all children.

What are transition services?

"Transition services" as defined in 34 CFR 300.43:

a) Transition services means a coordinated set of activities for a chiId with a disability that:

1) Is designed to be within a results-oriented process, that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child's movement from school to post-school activities, including postsecondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation;

2) Is based on the individual child's needs, taking into account the child's strengths, preferences, and interests; and includes:

i) Instruction;
ii) Related services;
iii) Community experiences;
iv) The development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives; and
v) lf appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and provision of a functional vocational evaluation.

b) Transition services for children with disabilities may be special education, if provided as specially designed instruction, or a related service, if required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education. (NH Rules page 32)

What is the sequence of steps in the Special Education process?

Ed 1104.01 Sequence of Special Education Process -

The sequence ofthe special education process shall be:

(a) Referral;
(b) Evaluation;
(c) Determination of eligibility;
(d) Development and approval of the IEP;
(e) Placement;
(f) Ongoing monitoring of the IEP; and
(g) Annual review of the IEP

(NH Rules page 36)

What is the difference between inclusion and mainstream?

Inclusion is a term which expresses commitment to educate each child, to the maximum extent appropriate, in the school and classroom he or she would otherwise attend. It involves bringing the support services to the child (rather than moving the child to the services) and requires only that the chiId will benefit from being in the class (rather than having to keep up with the other students). Proponents of inclusion generally favor newer forms of education service delivery. In an inclusive setting, a severely disabled student may only need to know the name of his own state and of the country. He also may receive one-on-one instruction by a paraprofessional in order to accomplish this assessment goal. The curriculum is often significantly modified for the included student so that he will have the capability to pass the assessments and gain confidence in his skills, even if he is not performing anywhere near the level of his peers.

Those who support the idea of mainstreaming believe that a chiId with disabilities first belongs in the special education environment and that the child must earn his/her way into the regular education environment.

In contrast, those who support inclusion believe that the child always should begin in the regular environment and be removed only when appropriate services cannot be provided in the regular classroom. (

What is FAPE?

FAPE stands for "Free Appropriate Public Education" and refers to special education and related services that:

a) Are provided at public expense, under public supervision and direction, and without charge;
b) Meet the standards of t he SEA, including t he requirements ofthis part;
c) Include an appropriate preschool, elementary school, or secondary school education in the state involved;
d) Are provided in conformity with an individualized education program (IEP) that meets the requirements of §§300.320 through 300.324.

§300.114 LRE requirements:

1) State must have in effect policies and procedures to ensure that public agencies meet the LRE requirements ofthis section and
§§300.115 through 300.120.

2) Each public agency must ensure that: To the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities, including children in public or private institutions or other care facilities, are educated with children who are non disabled.

Special classes, separate schooling, or other removal of children with disabilities from the regular educational environment occurs only if the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily.

b) Additional requirement-State funding mechanism.

A state must not use a funding mechanism by which the state distributes funds on the basis of the type of setting in which a child is served that will result in the failure to provide a child with a disability FAPE according to the unique needs of the child, as described in the child's IEP. (NH Rules page 11)

Where can I find the New Hampshire Rules for the Education of Children with Disabilities?

Click here for the New Hampshire Rules for the Education of Children with Disabilities.