How we keep Pelham School District safe.
All schools have undergone inspection and assessment by the New Hampshire Department of Homeland Security.
School Emergency Operations Plans are updated yearly with the help of the District Emergency Operations Committee, Pelham Police Department, Pelham Fire Department, and the Pelham School Board.
The District Emergency Operations Committee meets regularly with Pelham Police and Fire to discuss school safety measures.
Schools conduct drills that are mindful of the age group of their student population in order to test our emergency systems and preparedness.
Members of the Emergency Operations Committee meet with the schools regularly to audit cameras for proper coverage, function, and to identify areas for camera upgrades.
What keeps the Pelham School District safe.
We have two dedicated School Resources Officers available within the District during the school day.
All schools have secured double challenge lobbies as recommended by the New Hampshire Department of Homeland Security.
All visitor entry points are equipped with two way intercoms to allow initial communication before anyone is allowed entry into a lobby.
Additional security measures have been installed to reduce access to all schools.
School cameras have been updated to provide improved resolution.
Schools have been color coded to allow quick identification of the specific buildings map and access means for all Pelham Police Department cruisers.
Key card access has been updated at all schools.
District wide signage has been updated at all school grounds and entry ways as recommended by the New Hampshire Department of Homeland Security.
Pelham School District Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)
The purpose of the EOP is to outline the Pelham School Districts approach to emergency operations. The EOP specifies responsibilities and operational processes, to help protect the school from natural, technological, and man-made hazards. Our primary objective is to keep our community safe in the event of an emergency.
The Emergency Operations Plan
Empowers employees in an incident to act quickly and knowledgeable
Informs students, faculty, and staff, and trains key stakeholders on their roles and responsibilities before, during, and after an incident
Provides other members of the community with assurances that Pelham School District has established policy and procedures to respond to incidents/hazards in an effective way.
Provides guidance for emergency operations and the utilization of all available Pelham School District and government resources for the protection of lives, property, and the continuance of school operations in an emergency
Functional Annexes
Drop, Cover and Hold - Activated to protect staff and students from falling objects, or items that pose the threat of becoming “projectiles”
Secure Campus - Activated when it is necessary to protect staff and students from a threat from outside the school building.
Shelter in Place - Activated when it is necessary to protect staff and students from hazardous airborne materials.
Lockdown - Activated when it is necessary to protect staff and students from an intruder.
Evacuation - Activated when it is necessary for staff and students to evacuate the building.
Scan - Activated when it is necessary for staff to look around their area for any item which doesn’t belong there.
Clear Hallways - Activated when it is necessary for staff to keep the hallways clear and restrict movement of students and staff around the inside of the school.