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ESSER Use of Funds

ESSER Use of Funds

The American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (“ARP ESSER”) Fund, authorized under the American Rescue Plan (“ARP”) Act of 2021, provides nearly $122 billion to states to support the nation’s schools in safely reopening and sustaining safe operations of schools while meeting the academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs of students resulting from the coronavirus disease 2019 (“COVID-19”) pandemic.

Pelham has received $519,878.70 in funds from this program, commonly referred to as “ESSER III.” The total allocation for ESSER III is $787,695. As part of the grant process, Pelham had to submit an initial plan for the use of funds in August of 2021. The initial plan addressed two topics:

1) Addressing the academic impact of lost instructional time using evidence-based learning loss interventions (20%). This includes summer learning and credit recovery as well as programming for students with unfinished learning during the school year at all three levels, elementary, middle, and high school.

2) Addressing learner and community needs (80%). This includes prevention and mitigation strategies, and improvement of HVAC. This has enabled us to contract to add air conditioning to the HVAC system for the second floor and cafeteria of Pelham Elementary School.

We welcome additional feedback from the school board and community about this plan. Please submit feedback here.