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The Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System (BIMAS-2™) is a measure of social, emotional and behavioral functioning in children and adolescents ages 5 to 18 years. The BIMAS Standard Form includes 34 change-sensitive items that are used for universal screening of behavior concerns and for assessing and monitoring the progress of behavior and mental health related interventions. The BIMAS items were developed based on over 10 years of research and a scientific model for selecting items that are sensitive to change called Intervention Item Selection Rules (IISRs; Meier, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2004). It is the only commercially available measure comprised of items with demonstrated change sensitivity based on the IISRs model and the only measure build from this perspective in mind from the grounds up.

The BIMAS Flex represents the authors philosophy that a progress monitoring tool must be flexible to address the treatment monitoring needs of a student and it is the student that should be the center of attention not the tool. The BIMAS Flex therefore represents an additional pool of behavioral items that provide information on specific intervention targets or goals within the five areas assessed by the Standard Form and goes even further by allowing the user to customize the treatment plan with as much flexibility as needed incorporating input and data from multiple sources (teachers, parents, clinicians, the child).

The BIMAS is a brief, repeatable multi-informant (teachers, parents, clinicians, self) measure that is useful for behavioral universal screening, progress monitoring, outcome assessment, and program evaluation. It offers an online Data Management System with dynamic analysis, graphing and reporting options (see report samples). This allows assessors to manipulate data in a variety of ways in real time to assist in evidence-based decision-making within an Response to Intervention (RtI) or Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) framework.

The BIMAS Main Objectives and Functions
  • Universal Screening – By comparing each student’s scores on the BIMAS to a nationally representative normative group, the BIMAS Standard can be employed as a brief screening device to detect students in need of further assessment and to identify their respective areas of need.
  • Student Monitoring – To provide feedback about the progress of the individual student or groups in intervention programs.
  • Program Evaluation – To assess changes in behavioral concerns and adaptive skills in a group of students receiving psychosocial interventions (e.g. school-based mental health and special education programs provided on an individual or group basis.

BIMAS Screening Permission Form