

Pelham School District News Article

Red Ribbon Week Videos

Red Ribbon Week took place this year from October 23rd to October 31st.  Red Ribbon Week recognizes the importance of living a drug-free, alcohol-free, and healthy life.  This year, Red Ribbon Week looked a little different.  Working around our new expectations and guidelines has paved the way to new approaches in how we reach our students!  Usually, there is a hands-on activity students engage in for Red Ribbon Week, and being creative with our current situation, we were able to think outside the box with how we can get the message of Red Ribbon Week out to our students, and now the community!  The students created a Google slide depicting, or stating why they want to be drug-free.  Those slides were then compiled into a video, which were then separated by grade level.  Enjoy! 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade

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