Kathleen CartierCounselor
[email protected]635-2321x2021
My name is Ms. Cartier. I am, one of two school counselors here at Pelham Memorial. Students and teachers are able to speak with me by stopping by my office or through scheduled appointments, that can be arranged either by email or phone. The guidance office is located on the second floor at Pelham Memorial. Parents can also discuss student concerns by phone, email or scheduled appointments. Student appointments are typically scheduled during ABC and lunch periods, however other times can be arranged as needed. As a general rule, Mr. Driscoll and myself, divide students by their last names to help guide our counseling support responsibilities. Hence, students with the last names that begin with the letter A-K, generally see me, but this arrangement is only a guide however, as we have adjusted based on what best fits the needs of students.
My name is Mr. Driscoll. I am one of the school counselors here at Pelham Memorial. Having graduated from Pelham Schools, I am excited to once again be a part of this community and even more excited to be working with the students, teachers, faculty, and parents! If a student or teacher wishes to speak with me, please don’t hesitate in reaching out via telephone or email or stopping by the guidance office. Parents can also discuss student concerns by phone, email or scheduled appointments. Student appointments are typically scheduled during A,B, and C and lunch periods, however there is flexibility in meeting the needs of the students. As a general rule, Ms. Cartier and myself, divide students alphabetically as a guide and according to relationship and who may best fit the needs of the student. Students with the last names that begin with the letter A-K, generally see Ms. Cartier while I will see students whose names end in L-Z. This is however, only a guideline as my intention is to build a relationship with each and every student as best as I can. I look forward to working with you to assist in meeting each child's educational and emotional needs.