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Memorial School

Grade 8 Grading Philosophies and Protocols

Grade 8 Grading Philosophy, Protocols & Competencies

Grade 8

The Retake Protocol process will not begin until all three parties have signed in agreement. The guidelines provide consistent and clear expectations for all eighth-grade students at PMS. Teacher discretion may be used with the guidelines when appropriate to support students in their learning.  

Please be aware that in certain cases a reassessment may not be allowed.  In the event the reassessment will not be allowed, an email notification will be sent home to the parents and it will be clearly outlined in the project directions for the students. (i.e., group presentations, long-term projects, final exams, etc.)

Guidelines for successful completion of retake opportunity:

  • Summative retakes will address the competency area(s) in need of improvement.

  • Retake has been initiated by the student, the parent, or the teacher no more than two days after the summative score has been published through PowerSchool.

  • Formative assignments relative to the summative have been successfully completed - if they have not, they may be part of the retake plan.

  • The competency retake score will replace the competency score on the original test (the overall grade will not exceed 80%). 

  • The retake protocol will be completed no more than ten calendar days after the signature of the student, parent, and teacher. Extensions may be granted on a case by case basis as communicated amongst teacher, student, and parent.

  • The retake protocol plan shall be determined by the teacher and student, including the content of the plan and the timeline for completing individual assignments.

  • Summative retakes will be administered one time per student, per assessment with teacher discretion.