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High School

Social Studies Department--About Us

Social Studies Department--About Us

The objective of the Social Studies department is to put students in a position to acquire knowledge and skills to fully participate in civic life in America and globally.  The vital task of preparing students to become citizens in a democracy is complex. The social studies disciplines are diverse, encompassing an expansive range of potential content. This content engages students in a comprehensive process of confronting multiple dilemmas, and encourages students to speculate, think critically, and make personal and civic decisions on information from multiple perspectives

Criminology is an exciting opportunity to engage in mature discussions about what makes people commit crime, what crimes are being committed, and how do we effectively reduce crime.  
Psychology is an exciting opportunity to engage in mature discussions about why people do what they do, your personality and so much more.
Psych CC enables you to get college credit while in HS.
Current Social & Political Issues - Understand the rapidly changing world and the national events that impact you and your life each day.
US Government (CC) - A college credit course that helps you to understand American politics today and your ability to impact decisions for your future.
Come learn about the Civil War era!  We examine the causes and consequences of the war on American history and see how it’s legacy is still impacting us today.