College and Career Counseling Department
The College and Career Counseling Department serves all students in a variety of ways. Our services are designed to meet the academic, career, and personal counseling needs of PHS students at each grade level. Our goal is to assist students to achieve their maximum academic potential and encourage social and extracurricular experiences that promote personal growth.
Services are delivered through individual counseling, group counseling, and classroom presentations. When necessary, referral to outside therapeutic personal and/or mental health counseling resources will be made. The school counseling program is available to assist students in making appropriate academic choices while also helping students to cope with and manage challenging emotional and social situations.
College and career activities are conducted on a regular and planned basis with the goal of providing students with experiences to help them grow and develop to their fullest potential, and to become responsible, contributing members of their community. Department personnel will assist students and families in developing a comprehensive 4-year high school plan to meet individual college and career goals.
Each student is assigned to a school counselor who is available to students throughout the school day; however, to assure availability, students are encouraged to make an appointment by stopping by the College and Career Counseling Department or by emailing their school counselor. This practice also helps students develop emerging adult behavior that prepares them for responsible and self-managing skills necessary after high school.
School counselors also encourage team planning which includes the student, parent/guardian, and teachers to ensure optimum success. Parents and students are encouraged to contact the teacher directly with academic concerns while apprising their school counselor. School counselors are available to assist students and parents with possible solutions for academic concerns or if academic conflicts arise.
Throughout the school year, the College and Career Counseling Department t provides additional services to students and parents including:
Monthly Newsletter
Freshmen Orientation
Pelham High School Showcase
PSATs (9th grade)
PSAT/NMSQT (10th /11th grade)
Club Fair
Naviance Training (College and Career Planning Tools)
College Visits
College Fairs
Sophomore College and Career Project
Junior College Planning
College Night for Juniors
College Scholarship Opportunities
Military Visits
Financial Aid Workshop
Individual Freshman Meetings
Freshman Strengths Career Project
Career Pathway Fair
Course Selection Counseling
NHSAS Testing
Signs of Suicide
Group Counseling
Guest Speakers
4 Year Planning
Senior College Project